This is what actually happens to your skin when you actually drink enough water

This is what actually happens to your skin when you actually drink enough water

Water is often touted as the ultimate beauty elixir. The idea is simple: When you drink more water, you benefit from better hydration, fewer blemishes, and a smoother, brighter complexion. Plus, it helps flush out toxins, deliver nutrients to skin cells, and keep skin plump and elastic (read: fewer wrinkles!). And when you drink plenty of water, your body is better able to perform all of these functions, which can lead to clearer, healthier skin.

But the idea of ​​drinking 1 gallon of water a day—a big increase from most people’s usual water intake—leaves some wondering if it’s really effective. Can it make your skin healthier, or is it just another beauty myth? To answer that question, we asked two beauty experts to learn more about the effects of hydration on skin. Read on to learn more about the potential benefits—but also drawbacks—of drinking 10 ounces of water every day.

What happens to your skin when you drink more water?

“Skincare begins and ends with drinking water!” explains Rachel Liverman, CEO and founder of Glowbar. “10 ounces of water a day can do wonders for your skin. When you’re well hydrated, your skin looks smoother and brighter, and prevents dryness and flakiness. Plus, staying well hydrated keeps your skin’s elasticity in check, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and gives you a plump, youthful look.”

Not to mention, staying hydrated can also reduce puffiness and swelling, especially around the eyes, by balancing fluid levels and reducing water retention. (Yes, that sounds counterintuitive, but just trust us.) For those with oily skin, drinking enough water can help balance oil production and prevent skin from becoming too oily or too dry. Need we say more?

How long does it take for skin to improve from drinking water?

Liverman says results are usually seen within a couple of weeks to a month. “This gives your body time to adjust, and skin hydration, elasticity, and overall appearance can improve,” she says. “But keep in mind that results may vary depending on factors like your baseline hydration level, overall health, diet, and other aspects of your skincare routine.” (Want to perfect your skincare routine? Here’s a complete guide.)

The key takeaway, says nurse practitioner and beauty specialist Limor Weinberg, is that “like anything else, consistency is key to getting results.”

Does drinking too much water have negative effects on skin?

As mentioned, a gallon is a good amount of water. But can too much water actually be bad for skin? The answer is essentially no. “In some rare cases, drinking too much water can disrupt electrolyte balance and cause a condition called hyponatremia, which is basically a drop in sodium levels in your blood,” explains Weinberg. “Sodium is an essential electrolyte and is responsible for proper heart function and fluid balance in the body.” To avoid this, try not to drink too much water in a short period of time. You can also feel free to add electrolyte sachets like LIQUID I.V. or LMNT to your water.

Does water intake affect different skin types (oily, dry, combination) differently?

As far as water intake goes, there are no downsides for different skin types. “Every skin type needs adequate water to regulate oil production,” says Liverman. “But that’s especially true for oily skin, as staying hydrated can reduce the overproduction of sebum, which is often the skin’s response to dehydration.” If you struggle with oily skin, we recommend you start drinking up!

What happened when I started drinking 1 gallon of water a day?

A few years ago, I noticed I had fine lines around my eyes and on my forehead. Being in my early 20s, I was confused as to why my skin was already aging so quickly. After researching how to prevent fine lines and wrinkles, one main solution kept coming to mind: drinking more water. I decided to try it myself, since it sounded simple enough and was much cheaper than Botox. The results? Not only was my skin plumper and brighter, but my body felt better overall. I was more energetic, less prone to illness, and much more alert. The only downside is that I definitely have to go to the bathroom more often than I used to when I was drinking less water, but the benefits are totally worth it.

How to Drink 3.8 Litres of Water a Day

We’ll be honest, drinking 3.8 liters of water a day sounds intimidating, but honestly, it’s not as much as you might think. Plus, we have a few tips to help you do just that. Start your morning with a big glass of water as soon as you wake up. This will get your hydration going and prepare you for what’s to come. Then, try to drink two glasses of water every hour. By the evening, you should be well hydrated and definitely hit the 3.8 liter mark.

Is it worth drinking 3.8 liters of water a day?

Without a doubt, drinking 3.8 liters of water a day is worth it, not just for your skin, but for the rest of your body too. Staying hydrated has tons of amazing benefits, including maintaining healthy skin, promoting a clearer, more vibrant complexion by flushing out toxins, and maintaining plump skin cells. Plus, it helps regulate your body temperature, aids digestion by helping to break down food and absorb nutrients more effectively, and can even improve cognitive function and mood. While drinking water alone may not be enough for glowing skin—diet and good skin care are important, too—it’s certainly an undeniable factor in skin health. Whether you want to stay hydrated to make your skin glow or give your body a boost, drinking water is as simple as it gets.

Tips for Drinking More Water

One of the best methods I’ve used to monitor my water intake is using a gallon-sized water bottle. This tells me exactly how much I need to drink by the end of the day. I also like to set reminders on my phone every hour to make sure I remember to drink water. After drinking 1 gallon a day for a few months, I realized I didn’t need to do that anymore as my body was naturally inclined to drink more than it used to. Another helpful tip is to drink a glass before every meal and snack, which also aids digestion and makes you less hungry. And if you don’t like drinking water, try adding natural flavors like lemon, cucumber or mint to make it taste much better.